International Alert and UN Women’s Creating Space for Women Peacebuilders project, with the support of the UK Government, brought diverse women in Tripoli and Baalbek from across divides together in dialogue to address experiences of past and present conflicts and tensions. Facilitated dialogue sessions, coaching and community-based initiatives led by different women groups from Tripoli and Baalbek areas opened the discussions about the roles that women play in past memories of war and as positive agents for change and peacebuilders.


A second phase of the project was implemented by International Alert in partnership with the Professional Mediation Center at Saint -Joseph University with the support of UN Women. Training courses were organized revolving around increasing the participants' ability to apply skills and knowledge to reduce tensions and ineffective communication within their communities, support in building community peace through local projects, and strengthen their role as mediators in the communities.


The Creating Space for Peace project was implemented by International Alert and supported by the Human Security Division at the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon. The overall goal of the project was to strengthen local capacities in dialogue and cooperative action and reduce and mitigate conflicts in the Bekaa and Tripoli. The outcome of the project was the “Iwan” for Culture and Dialogue implemented in Tripoli and the Placemaking Project initiative implemented in Majdel Anjar. The aim of this initiative was to build the capacities of the youth on Placemaking as a method for reimagining and reinventing a public space in their village, Majdel Anjar.